NEW! Our special name for our South African Monochord, is 'Picinini'. R22,500.

It's most beautiful resonance arises from 30 strings, tuned to the AUM tone frequency at
432Hz...also known as the Earth Year Tone and corresponds with the Heart Chakra Centre.
5 Strings are a low base Om tone. Another 5 strings are a perfect 5th of the Om tone. And the
balance of 20 strings resonate at an octave higher than the low fundamental Om tone.
I may sing Mantras with this instrument, and while holding an intention an hour easily
disappears without noticing. Or silently I totally open up to the soft droning sound of the Aum.
Gently breathing in the Sound, clients sympathetically align and become the Sound, effortlessly
dissolving into the Silent flow of consciousness.
Time out, timelessness, a long sigh of ineffable Peace.

I have further written about the Monochord see the attached page
The monochord on which the client lies, is an instrument that I precisely tune to the frequency of the OM or Heart Chakra. When the long piano strings underneath this resonant table are repeatedly strummed, it produces a rotational drone with a myriad of audible overtones and undertones vibrating through the body. Clients are drawn into very deep states of relaxation.

The History of the Monochord
It was used as an instrument as early 300 BC by Euclid and as a scientific instrument by Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. No one knows when it first appeared, as its origins extend into prehistory.
Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who made influential contributions to religious teaching in the late 6th century BC. He was also a great mathematician, mystic and scientist. He imagined a serene, harmonious order presiding over the Earth and the heavens. He was also a great mathematician, mystic and scientist. He saw a well-proportioned, mathematically perfect order which corresponded in the harmonies and tones heard in the monochord. Pythagoras proved the association between the world of numbers and the world of musical sounds upon this instrument which tradition holds, he invented. The monochord originally consisted of a single stretched gut-string with a moveable bridge. When the bridge precisely divided the length of string, it demonstrated the mathematical ratios (logos in Greek) of musical intervals and the harmonic laws.

Pythagoras woodcut
Ratios mathematically express musical intervals:-
For example: C Major chord consists of notes of CEG
E is the mathematical ratio of 5:4 (third)
G is the mathematical ratio of 3:2 (fifth) – three fifths of the whole (Half of the
whole is an octave and is the mathematical ratio of 1:2)
In the 16th century Robert Fludd summarizes his assertion of the underlying harmony and
congruity between the macrocosm, man and the microcosm. In his ‘Divine Monochord’ he
shows a double octave representing the harmony of the universe, ‘musica mundana’.
Evident from 9th century manuscripts, letters of the Latin alphabet were used to codify tones of the chromatic scales, which were derived from divisions of the monochord. Previously the lack of a method for recording musical ideas was a crippling limitation on composers and music had to be memorized. This breakthrough towards modern notation was introduced by a Benedictine monk named Guido, who was a choirmaster. From here on more complex music could be created providing an enlightening connection between our earthly existence and ultimate eternal reality.
To deeply experience Sound, go into Meditation
and Silence or come for a Sound Therapy session.
Contact Lindi WhatsApp 083 509 5505
Lindi te Water
Phone: 021 786 9325 or 083 509 5505
Contact Lindi